Home Energy Score

DOE’s Home Energy Score rates a home’s energy performance on a scale of 1 (least efficient) to 10 (most efficient). The score is determined using the assessed characteristics of the building that are either entered into a web interface by a qualified assessor or submitted via software through a SOAP API.

The API requires data inputs to be submitted in terms of the data model set forth by Home Energy Score. Therefore, any users of the Home Energy Score API must translate their data into the appropriate location and representation in the Home Energy Score input array.

The Home Energy Score API provides the capability for an HPXML import. This receives an HPXML file as input and translates the user-specified Building element (whether pre- or post-upgrade) into corresponding Home Energy Score inputs and populates the Home Energy Score input array.

By using this import capability, software developers can leverage their investment in HPXML to provide Home Energy Score functionality at a minimum incremental development cost.

See Home Energy Score for additional information.

Home Energy Score API

For more information on how to use the Home Energy Score API, see the API documentation. The API method, submit_hpxml_inputs provides the HPXML import capability.

Data elements required and translation details

The HPXML Data Selection Tool includes Home Energy Score. It represents the minimum required data fields for successful import. It is a good starting point.

The HPXML import into Home Energy Score can accept a larger variety of data elements. The details of the translation and required HPXML elements are documented separately.

Additionally, The translator has been released open source on GitHub. Example HPXML files are available in that repository.